Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

IT Forensik & Modus Kejahatan di bidang IT

Definisi IT Forensics

a. Definisi sederhana, yaitu penggunaan sekumpulan prosedur untuk melakukan pengujian secara menyeluruh suatu sistem komputer dengan mempergunakan dan tool untuk memelihara barang bukti tindakan kriminal.

b. Menurut Noblett, yaitu berperan untuk mengambil, menjaga, mengembalikan, dan menyajikan data yang telah diproses secara elektronik dan disimpan di media komputer.

c. Menurut Judd Robin, yaitu penerapan secara sederhana dari penyidikan komputer dan teknik analisisnya untuk menentukan bukti-bukti hukum yang mungkin.

Tujuan IT forensik
Bertujuan untuk mendapatkan fakta-fakta obyektif dari sebuah insiden / pelanggaran keamanan. Fakta-fakta tersebut setelah diverifikasi akan menjadi buktibukti (evidence) yang akan digunakan dalam proses hukum sistem informasi.

Contoh Kejahatan di Bidang IT

1. Melalui Penyewaan Apartemen
saya sedang mencari apartment di daerah Thamrin/Menteng kemudian saya menemukan listing Anda tentang sebuah apartemen di Cik Ditiro no. 1 di bawah nama Silvia Dernast, yang mengaku pada saya tinggal di Inggris.

Iklan serupa ditemukan di website-website property lainnya dan apartemen ini memang nampak sangat menarik terutama dari designnya, lokasi dan luas bangunan. Satu hal yang agak aneh adalah harganya yang menurut saya terlalu murah untuk jenis dan lokasi apartemen tersebut. Saya pikir pasti ada hal yang janggal baik dari pemiliknya atau apartemen itu sendiri. Maka saya berniat untuk viewing.

Saya sudah sempat berkorespondensi via email sejak minggu lalu dalam bahasa Inggris (rangkaian email lihat di bawah). Awalnya tidak mencurigakan namun lama kelamaan ada pertanyaan-pertanyaan sederhana yg tidak bisa dijawab oleh Silvia Dernast seperti misalnya lokasi persis apartemen tersebut (dekat gedung apa dst), fasilitas lain yang dimiliki apartemen (seperti gym, kolam renang, convenience store, dst) dan nama bangunan apartemen itu sendiri. Kemudian di email terakhir yang saya terima kemarin Silvia menawarkan menggunakan jasa TNT (serupa FedEx, UPS, DHL) untuk mengirimkan kunci sehingga saya bisa viewing. Bahkan Silvia memberikan link TNT yang benar. Namun email terakhir menunjukkan bahwa ada keanehan dengan proses tukar kunci dan deposit yang Silvia ajukan melalui TNT, saya yakin TNT tidak mungkin memiliki prosedur pembayaran melalui Western Union dengan mencantumkan nama agen TNT yang mengantarkan kunci apartemen.

Setelah saya cek melalui google, modus operandi serupa sudah sering digunakan di negara-negara Eropa untuk pembelian barang-barang online dan juga dengan alih-alih mengunakan jasa TNT. Prosedur yang ditawarkan sang penipu juga serupa.

Saya masih akan berusaha memancing Silvia Dernast melalui email-email lebih lanjut untuk memastikan dugaan saya.

Dengan ini, saya ingin memastikan kepada Anda apakah Anda yakin bahwa apartemen yang ditawarkan dan Silvia Dernast itu benar adanya dan bukan penipuan?
Pesan / email yang dikirimkan oleh pelaku kejahatan:


Sorry for the delayed response, but I'm in United Kingdom right now and I have been very busy. For introduction my name is Silvia Dernast and from the Internet add, you could see, the apartment is located at Jl. Cik Ditiro No. 1, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, 10310 - Central Jakarta, and it has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and 1 living room ( 120 m² ).

I'm the owner of the apartment, which is now uninhabited and I'm looking forward to rent it as soon as possible, because I just went through a difficult divorce, and I have moved to United Kingdom, London at my parents, where I will start my new job at British Airways.

That's the reason I want to rent it at this price, and find the proper tenant, someone who will treat and care my apartment likes it was his own.
The contract will be signed for the period of time that you need, with the possibility of renewing it for 5 years the most and the rent for 1 month is 4200.000 IDR for the whole apartment including all utilities (water, electricity, Internet, cable, 2 parking spots, air conditioning, washer / dryer in unit, dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator).
As you could see, from the photos the apartment is fully furnished but you can feel free to move it wherever you like. If you have your own furniture, I will take mine away,
so don't worry because I have a private storage in the building. You can move in the apartment in the same day you receive the keys with the rental contract.

The only problem is that I'm the only person who has the keys but I hope that we will find a solution.

Thank you for your interest and awaiting your reply,

Thank you for your reply but the matter is that I'm in London already. From your message I can see that my apartment is perfect for you.

Like I have informed you before, the price you shall pay for one month of rent will be 4.200.000 IDR, for the entire apartment, plus the security deposit 4.200.000 IDR, so the total will be 8.400.000 IDR, including all utilities & community with no extra fees for the duration of the contract. After that the rent will be 4.200.000 IDR, every month.

About the money, I would like to receive it monthly into my bank account and I hope there will be no problem for you to wire the money to it. The apartment is ready for you, you only need to receive the keys and the contract so you could check it out, and see if you like it.

Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the Keys in less than 2 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called TNT which is similar to FedEx, DHL or UPS, which will handle the payment and delivery of the Keys.

This procedure will allow you to pay for the rent of the apartment only after you will receive the keys, and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apartment or not before I receive my payment. My opinion is that you'll love this apartment and that you will rent immediately!

Please click on the link bellow to the TNT website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where this procedure is explained: ( )

Let me know if you are interested, because I really need to take care of this matter by the end of next week.

Best Regards.

Thank you again for your reply.
>From the beginning I want to inform you that our transaction will be performed only under TNT rules and instructions, no exceptions, because of that your payment will be in TNT custody until you will see the apartment and ONLY after your confirmation they will release the funds to me or back to you in case of any dissatisfaction.

This means that if you are not satisfied with the apartment, or if it has different specifications that the one advertised on site, you will have the payment reimbursed.

If you are ready to proceed with this transaction I will need to inform you with the steps on how this service works and how we can make it happen:
1 - To start this transaction I will need to know your full shipping information, full name, full shipping address to proceed with this deal;
2 - I will go to the TNT Office and leave the apartment keys with the rental contract in your name as the intended receiver, with the option for 2 days delivery;
3 - TNT will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers required that will come along with the keys.
4 - TNT will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the apartment keys with the papers in their custody and you will receive the scanned copy of them by email.
5 - At this point you will have to go to a Western Union agent location and make a money transfer deposit on the TNT payment agent name for the amount we agreed, the total amount you shall deposit is the amount of 8.400.000 IDR ( first month of rent 4.200.000 IDR, plus the security deposit 4.200.000 IDR);
6 - After you make the deposit you will have to send the information about the money deposit to TNT (MTCN#, sender's name and address);
7 - TNT will verify the payment information and if everything is in order they will deliver the apartment keys and the contract to you;
8 - After you receive the package, you will go and check the apt and in 10 days you must contact them and tell them if you KEEP the apartment or NOT.

If all is in order you will instruct TNT to release the funds to me, if you don`t like the apartment they will send your money back to you, and you will send them the apartment keys with the rental contract. I will pay TNT Service for the shipping and you will pay TNT for the Money Transfer fees.

Now I must know for sure if you agree because I have a lot of peoples interested for this apartment and I want to know what I must tell them.
Thank you for your interest and wait news from you.
Terlihat bagaimana pelaku menggunakan nama baik TNT agar calon korban percaya. (Logikanya: "uang ditransfer ke TNT, mana mungkin penipuan?") Tapi ketahuilah bahwa TNT tidak menyediakan jasa escrow seperti yang disebut dalam email. TNT hanya menawarkan jasa pengiriman barang.

Agen TNT yang disebut dalam email merupakan komplotan penjahat. Pengiriman uang melalui Western Union bersifat irreversible: uang yang telah dikirim tidak dapat ditarik kembali dengan cara apapun. Jadi begitu Anda mengirimkan uang ke "agen TNT" tersebut, uang Anda akan HILANG selamanya.

Penipuan bisa terjadi di mana2 dengan modus bermacam2. Selalu gunakan akal sehat dan selidiki setiap hal yang mencurigakan. Dalam kasus ini, coba hubungi TNT terlebih dahulu. Modus seperti ini bisa juga menggunakan nama DHL, Fedex, TIKI atau perusahaan pengiriman lainnya. Waspadalah!

2. Situs Jejaring Sosial

Dengan jumlah pengguna yang telah mencapai 850 juta di seluruh dunia, Facebook memang menjadi sosial media yang paling menarik. Tak terkecuali di mata para penjahat dunia maya.

David Jacoby, pakar keamanan dari Kaspersky menemukan modus baru penipuan di Facebook yang bertujuan untuk mencuri data kartu kredit pengguna. Seperti yang disitat detikINET dari digitaltrends, Sabtu (14/1/2012).

Modus penipuan ini (Phising) masih menggunakan salah satu metode lama, yakni memanfaatkan kelengahan pengguna melalui fitur chatting.

Pelaku yang sudah mendapatkan akses salah satu pengguna Facebook, akan langsung menyebarkan pesan ke seluruh teman yang ada di daftar. Isinya, calon korban akan ditakut-takuti bahwa akunnya akan segera ditutup karena dianggap palsu.

Isi pesan itu juga mengajak pengguna untuk melakukan verifikasi data dengan memberikan link tertentu. Namun awas, link tersebut akan merujuk ke sebuah halaman yang mirip dengan Facebook.

Ada beberapa halaman di situs tersebut. Pertama korban akan dimintai data diri seperti nama, email, dan password di Facebook. Kemudian di halaman kedua, pengguna dimintai konfirmasi kebenaran data dengan mengisikan nomor kartu kredit, lengkap dengan tanggal kadaluarsa, angka pengaman, dan alamat tagihan.

Belum diketahui berapa jumlah korban yang berhasil tertipu, namun Facebook berjanji akan segera menyelidiki kasus ini. Sementara itu, waspadalah.

Referensi :

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